Whitepaper: ON-Semi USB-C Programmable Power Supplies Satisfy 5G Smartphone Fast Charging Demands

ON-Semi USB-C Programmable Power Supplies Satisfy 5G Smartphone Fast Charging DemandsWith the emergence of 5G technology, the telecommunications industry is taking significant strides in advancing wireless architectures. Despite the ever increasing capacity of Li-ion batteries, the rate of charging for these larger batteries is still improving. Read this whitepaper to see why.

If these industry trends continue, USB-C’s latest Power Delivery (PD) 3.0 specification, specifically the Programmable Power Supply (PPS) protocol, will become the preferred choice for charging the next generation of smartphones and other portable electronics. Such significant technological advancements require designers to be meticulous in system design to ensure efficiency and reliability for the end system. Download the whitepaper to learn more.

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