The running of my Department will be coming under scrutiny when the horny handed sons of toil (a.k.a. the Islington metropolitan elite) take over and I intend to make it a model of technocratic excellence which will demand my re-appointment as Secretary of State, Ed confides to his diary I call in the Permanent Secretary. “Is the Department doing anything ...
Ed Taps Elf
My latest proposal to the Cabinet to ameliorate the anticipated drubbing at the election is a Small Claims Court for Internet harms, Ed confides to his diary. Clearly a lot of people, mainly youngsters, are having mental health issues due to Internet content. You’re never going to stop youngsters using it, so the only way is to stop, or at least ...
Ed Clocks Machine Customers
Machine customers are going to be the biggest opportunity of my career, Ed confides to his diary, although it’s taken me a while to cotton on that this will be a trillion dollar bunce bonanza. CEOs surveyed by Gartner predict that 20% of their revenues will come from machine-generated orders by 2030. Cars will order up new tyres when they ...
Ed Embraces The Migrants
It seems to me that we’re missing a trick with AI and migration, Ed confides to his diary. Cheap labour has been the key to countries’ economic success for centuries – we led the world in industrialisation in the 19th century by migrating workers from the country to the towns and the USA followed suit in taking in migrants from ...
Ed Taps Arabia
Mutabilogica, my AI-at-the-edge-optimised programmable logic company, is shaping up as a sprat to catch a whale-sized mackerel, Ed confides to his diary. Where are the whales? Very clearly the Middle East is the place to go for the big-fish investors. As His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Digital Industry it is not difficult to fix up an ...
Ed Boosts His Assets
It’s too much of a temptation seeing these sky-high valuations of tech assets and not doing anything to cash in, Ed confides to his diary, so I have come up with a wheeze. For many years now I have owned a moribund company which started out as a programmable logic startup with an innovative chip design which failed when it became obvious ...
Ed Eyes Up Robots
Could robots be the NBT? Ed asks his diary. Single-use robots have been around forever, but the big thing now is general use robots which could do the jobs of many workers in many industries. Whether or not, the UK produces such robots is less important than that we have a handle on the IP and some strategic patents on ...
Ed’s AI Chip Play
The semiconductor industry is being turned on its head with talk of trillions of dollars being raised to stoke a GPU tsunami but how much will trickle down to me? Ed asks his diary. If this is the future of the chip business then I want myself, and the country of course, to be a part of it. We have ...
Ed The Rat
I had an intriguing lunch invitation the other day from one of the Labour Party’s movers and shakers, Ed confides to his diary. To avoid being spotted, ‘lunch’ consisted of a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of plonk in a secluded corner of Hyde Park. He began by flattering me, saying the Labour party fixers admired the work I ...
Ed’s EV Play
With EV sales dropping and the fleet buyers turning away from them, I feel the time has come to formulate a credible government line on their future, Ed confides to his diary. Clearly the tech is not ready – but it could be by the end of this decade or early in the next when solid stage batteries giving 1000+ ...