LED lighting for the largest US offshore wind project

Glamox of Norway is to provide LED lighting for 176 wind turbines in the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project, which will be the largest offshore wind farm in the US.

Glamox Bladt CVOW wind turbine transtion piece

2,850 of its MIR G2 WOF water-tight stainless-steel linear LED luminaires will be fitted to the exterior and interior of the wind turbine transition pieces – the part that connects the monopile foundation to the wind turbine tower, and is the primary access point for servicing and maintenance.

“This luminaire recently showed off its toughness when dropped 500m from a helicopter into a Norwegian fjord,” according to the company. They “will be installed on the external platform, gantry, ladders and inside the structure.”

The turbines are being made by Denmark’s Bladt Industries and are to be installed 27 miles off the Virginia coast. The wind farm is expected to be completed by the end of 2026 and have a peak generating capacity of 2.6GW.

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