Fable: The Cleverest Person Who Ever Lived

This may be the cleverest person ever to have lived with an IQ of 250-300 (Einstein’s was 160).

He could read the New York Times when he was 18 months old and went to Harvard when he was 11 – the youngest person ever to go there.

He was a mathematical prodigy and linguist – speaking 25 languages.When he was 12 he lectured the Harvard Mathemarical Club on four-dimensional bodies.

He spent most of his life in seclusion because people were hostile to him.

Moral: Brains can be a burden





  1. William James Sidis of course … according to google
    I read his s sad story before

  2. Not FE surely 😉

    • Ha Ha, Fred, very droll. Although he does seem to think he knows the answer to everything, it’s not FE.

      • I graduated from an engineering school that produces 20% of all engineers in the USA. I know engineers. I taught a senior in Mechanical Engineering how to change the oil in his car.

        • Ha! That’s nothing. I’ve taught my wife how to reset the TPMS warning light on her 2011 Honda Civic. And she ain’t even an engineer…

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