Ed Brings AI To Whitehall

The running of my Department will be coming under scrutiny when the horny handed sons of toil (a.k.a. the Islington metropolitan elite) take over and I intend to make it a model of technocratic excellence which will demand my re-appointment as Secretary of State, Ed confides to his diary

I call in the Permanent Secretary. “Is the Department doing anything to anticipate the effects of AI on its operational functioning?” I ask.

“Beyond establishing a high-level group tasked with creating a prioritised matrix of generative AI use cases based on technical feasibility and tangible operational value – nothing specific, Secretary of State,” responds the PS.

“Well that’s a start,” I reply attempting to sound dismissive but wondering where the PS gets his tech smarts from, “with a view to what, may I ask?”

“To establishing a programme of familiarisation with AI tools among middle ranking colleagues so that they can deal with more complex issues  leaving their more mundane tasks to automation, Secretary of State.”

“And making those engaged in  mundane tasks redundant?” I suggest hopefully.

“The intention is to upskill colleagues so the Department engages in more value-added activities like forward planning, Secretary of State.”

That’s what he thinks.

“There’s expected to be an increase in the use of coding assistants for software creation from 10% to 75% over the next couple of years,” I tell him, “which means we can make significant cuts in our IT budget.”

“The Department’s view is that AI-infused development tools allow software engineers to spend less time writing code, facilitating an increased focus on strategic activities such as the design and composition of compelling applications for automating the running of the Department, Secretary of State,” says the PS.”

Well it’s not my view, and deffo not my intention, but I’m keeping my powder dry so I stay schtumm.

“AI tools are able to reduce the time-to-competency for new hires by 50%,” I tell him.

“Indeed so, Secretary of State, they are already showing promising results.”

“So we can flush out the non-performers more often and replace them with new hires more regularly without compromising the efficient running of the Department?”

The PS shudders. “That is not the Department’s intention, Secretary of State,” he replies frostily.

Well it is my intention, and I’m the head of this Department which is going to become the most slimmed-down, streamlined, cost-efficient, productive Department in HMG so, when the horny-handed get their grip on power, they will see the benefits of leaving me in place  as its Secretary of State.

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