SPL TL90AT03 emits 905nm infra-red and has been developed for short laser pulses – between 5
and 100ns – maximum duty cycle is 0.1%.
Optical output is 65W from a 110µm aperture (20A 100μs 1kHz) – said to be an efficiency of 34%.
There are three emitters inside the package – forward drop is typically 9.5V – with their separate intensities only detectable in the near field on one axis.
It comes in a three pin TO56 metal can with one pin not connected, and is also available as SPL UL90AT03 with the cathode on a different pin and the case connected to the third pin .
Lidar traffic speed sensor at Grosser Stern Square Berlin (Osram)
Applications such as industrial automation, site levelling and traffic monitoring (photo) are foreseen. The part is not released for automotive applications.
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