Panasonic is to squeezed a single-pole normally-closed mosfet relay into a 1.95 x 1.8 x 0.8mm TSON package.
An extension of the company’s CC series, “we are pretty certain that our 1FormB TSON type is currently matchless throughout the industry as far as size and current consumption are concerned”, said Panasonic’s Michael Renner. “With just an eighth of a SOP4 package’s size and 1/10 of its current consumption”.
Input to output coupling is not optical, but differential capacitive (diagram left). Input-to-output capacitance is typically 1.2pF (1MHz, and 3pF max).
Unlike optically-coupled parts, no input series resistor is needed.
Switching capacity is 60V and 15omA, and the input needs “typically as low as 0.04mA and the input can be operated directly with voltages of typically 3.3Vin”, according to Panasonic. “The relays can be used in working conditions with up to +105°C ambient.”
The company’s English website does not have product pages or data sheets for the normally-closed (Type-B) parts yet, (only the normally-open Type-A parts), so other technical details are elusive. Electronic Weekly has requested more information.