Perovskite solar cells can be made in the open air rather than in an inert atmosphere, according to an international research team. Working with p–i–n perovskite solar cells, they added dimethylammonium formate to the perovskite precursors to inhibit the oxidization of iodide ions and deprotonation of organic cations. The cells achieved nearly 25% efficiency (1.53eV cell), and retained 90% of ...
Tag Archives: lifetime
Why new blue OLEDs die young
Next-generation blue OLED materials degrade early mainly due to the loss of oxygen in molecules at the interface between emission and electron transport layers, according to the UK’s National Physical Laboratory, which teamed up with the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology to pull OLED junctions apart in minute detail. “The presence of these degradation molecules correlates negatively with the blue ...
Longer perovskite solar cell life after theoretical search of passivating materals
Perovskite materials show much promise in solar cells as they are as efficient as silicon, but are deposited as thin films that can be coated on glass. However, their lifetime is nothing like as good as silicon, and many research projects are under way to increase durability. This week, the University of Toledo has reported on a project that passivated ...
Non-destructive carrier measurement in SiC power devices
Researchers at Nagoya Institute of Technology have found a way to create a 3D map of carriers inside silicon carbide power transistors without sawing them up, proposing the system as a way of improving SiC bipolar devices. The technique, which works down to 250μm and has ~10μm resolution, is ‘time-resolved free carrier absorption with inter-sectional lights (IL-TRFCA). Bipolar SiC devices which ...
Researchers increase the lifetime of TADF OLEDs
Researchers at Kyushu University have increased the lifetime of OLEDs based on thermally-activated delayed-fluorescence (TADF). TADF, a process demonstrated at Kyushu University’s Center for Organic Photonic and Electronics Research (OPERA) in 2012, allows fluorescent molecules (which can be metal-free) to approach the theoretical 100% charge conversion of phosphorescent materials which need to include expensive metal ions such as platinum or iridium. ...
Ed Hangs The Director Of BioTech Solutions Out To Dry
‘Now I have a highly agitated Director of BioTech Solutions pestering me night and day,’ Ed confides to his diary, ‘he’s obviously got a guilty conscience about shipping those bio-chip – lab-on-a-chip products- without completing lifetime testing and now he wants me to take the blame.’
Ed Mulls Medical Mayhem
‘Mega-Problem,’ Ed confides to his diary, ‘doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to make the numbers to support my quarterly repayment of interest to the private equity bloodsuckers – I mean our sponsors – who loaded us up with billions of debt to pay for the cost of acquiring us.’
Ed’s New Year Resolutions
‘My New Year’s Resolutions,’ Ed enters this heading in his diary. Underneath he lists:
Wishy-Washy Euro-bollox
The British Computer Society – BCS – ‘The Chartered Institute for IT’ has got a post on its web-site calling for contributions to “EC Public Consultation on Cloud Computing.”
Fable: The Amazing Father And Son
There was once an amazing father and son. The father founded the most important computer company in the world. The son founded the most important IC company in the world.