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Apple escalates Qualcomm battle


Apple has escalated its battle with Qualcomm by refusing to pay royalties to its contractors which are owed to Qualcomm. Consequently, Apple’s contractors won’t be able to pay Qualcomm which means there will be a hit to Qualcomm’s Q1 revenues. Instead of Qualcomm Q1 revenues of an estimated $5.3 billion – $6.1 billion these will now be $4.8 billion – ...

IBM to mass produce computers in Stuttgart

An assembly line for the mass production of the IBM 1401 electronic computer has been established at a factory in Stuttgart, Germany.   So. 52 years ago started a story in Electronics Weekly’s edition of January 4th 1961   Since announcing this data-processing system last year the company claims to have received more than 3,000 orders through-out the world. This ...