Tech job numbers rise, Java & AI skills in demand

The number of jobs advertised in the UK technology sector grew by 12%  last year, one of the fastest rates across UK industries, according to new data from Reed Technology.

The agency’s survey also found that advertised salaries in the sector grew by 1.6%  in the last year alone with advertised salaries for some roles increasing as much as 9% since the start of 2017.

The in-demand skills seem to be java developers, which experienced a 9% increase in salary and AI developers, with a 7% salary increase.

Meanwhile, network engineers received a 6% jump in their pay.

Andy Gardner, senior divisional director of Reed Technology, writes:

“In 2016 there was £6.8bn venture capital and private equity investment in UK tech – 50% higher than any other European country, and, as investment continues to grow, and the UK makes a name for itself as a tech heartland, companies want to recruit the best talent to do the highest quality work.”

Technology workers in West Midlands have felt the most benefit with the biggest overall salary rise of 3.4%, significantly more than the East Midlands (2.1%), which experienced the second highest increase, and the national average for the sector of 1.6%.

Andy Gardner continues:

“The AI and robotics revolution will be front and centre of the work that is completed within tech in the coming years. Within the UK tech industry there is a climate of innovation and candidates know that where there is change there is always opportunity.”

“Tech professionals that truly thrive cannot merely be skilled analysts and developers. They will need to focus upon business partnering and developing their commercial value to a company by having the ability to give strong commercial advice from a financial perspective.”

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