Intel gave no details on why Fister made the move today. In a separate release, the processor giant said Fister had left to “pursue another opportunity” and noted that the company was “sorry to see him leave”. Abhijit Talwalkar, most recently v-p of Intel’s enterprise platforms group, will replace him. In his 17 years with the company, Fister is credited with increasing market share for Intel in that segment as well as the launch of the Itanium processor family.
“I am excited about this opportunity to lead Cadence through the next phase in the evolution of semiconductor and system design,” Fister said. “As a former customer, I look forward to working with our management team and employees to further strengthen Cadence’s global technology leadership and the role of the entire electronic design automation industry in enabling our customers to build even more complex devices and achieve greater profitability in their markets.”
Bingham will stay onboard full-time with new responsibilities and has been elected chairman of the Cadence board of directors. In addition to his new role as chairman, Bingham will work closely with Fister to assure a smooth transition and continue to focus on the company’s global growth strategies to strengthen customer and partner relationships, shareholder and investor communications, and industry and public issues important to Cadence.
Bingham joined Cadence in 1993 and was executive v-p and CFO until being appointed president and CEO in 1999. He also serves on the boards of directors of KLA-Tencor and Oracle Corporation.