The Giga Display Shield (plug-in board) might fit the bill.
It adds a 3.97inch 480 x 800 RGB touchscreen, digital microphone (MP34DT06JTR by ST), six-axis IMU (Bosch BMI270 inertial measurement unit), an RGB LED and a camera connector.
Touch on the display is five-point + gesture, and the camera interface is 20pin ‘Arducam’.
Power comes from the underlying Arduino, and when the display is attached there is still access to all 54 Arduino pins on the top side of the board.
“Without any extra wiring, the display shield allows customers to add a user-interface to their hardware with graphics that adjust according to your device’s orientation or your audio command,” according to the organisation.
The MCU board has a 480MHz Cortex-M7 CPU (STM32H747XI) and the shield is compatible graphics libraries, including LVGL, Adafruit_GFX and ArduinoGraphics – LVGL is a framework for creating user-interfaces with animations, touch and widgets. Adafruit_GFX eases the display of numbers, text and shapes.