“PSoC 6 MCUs have passed the advanced certification for AliOS Things with Alibaba Cloud connectivity,” said Cypress. “Developers can now streamline connections to Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba, and design products with PSoC microcontrollers and Cypress’ Wi-Fi and Bluetooth portfolio for the IoT.”
A quick start page on Cypress’ website has a link to Alibaba’s GitHub page and a downloadable guide.
A demonstration of the MCUs running AliOS Things and cloud connection is on at the Alibaba’s computing conference in Hangzhou this week.
“Collaborating with Alibaba gives our customers a direct path to connect to Alibaba Cloud and strengthens our ecosystem for China, making it easier for developers to leverage the power consumption and security of PSoC 6 and our wireless connectivity for the IoT,” said Cypress IoT v-p Michael Hogan.
PSoC 6 chips are built on a 40nm process and includes configurable memory and peripheral protection units so that they, claims the firm, offer the highest level of security protection defined by the Platform Security Architecture (PSA) from Arm.
On-board software-defined peripherals allow the creation of custom analogue front-ends or digital interfaces, and capacitive touch sensing hardware is included.