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Tag Archives: high speed data

1.6Tbit/s Ethernet measurement demonstration

Keysight Credo 1.6Tbit cable testing

Keysight Technologies and Credo Semiconductor have demonstrated IEEE P802.3dj draft specification compliant 1.6Tbit/s Ethernet measurements for full line rate Layer 2 Ethernet traffic in hardware. “This provides proof that 1.6T Ethernet speed is possible, and that its performance can be measured,” according to Keysight. The rig transmits and processes more than a billion packets per second over a two meter electrical ...

Cambridge Connectors stackable for CoaXPress data


Cambridge Connectors has introduced the CXP-Multi-Connector range of precision 6GHz 1.0/2.3 stackable multiport connectors which are designed to meet the requirements of the newly JIIA ratified CoaXPress high speed data specification. The connectors can be used in machine vision systems, providing a small form factor stackable multi-port connector system which can operate in high speed, high definition video applications and ...

Optical and wireless comms combine for 2.5Gbit/s

Professor Gee-Kung Chang of the Georgia Institute of Technology has demonstrated a combined optical and wireless access network which can simultaneously deliver 2.5Gbit/s through both media. “In future the Internet will have to deliver HDTV and high speed data everywhere, either fixed or wireless,” Chang told Electronics Weekly. To get the bandwidth, the wireless segments operate at 60GHz. “A typical ...

Basestation firms go for Rapid I/O

European wireless basestation developers are adopting board-level data switching based on the serial Rapid I/O high-speed data interface standard, according to US comms semiconductor supplier IDT. A move from proprietary data interfaces to standard protocols such as Rapid I/O and PCI Express is being seen by even the major systems firms as a way to cut the cost, power and ...