Manufacturers of passive components have been quicker than some of their counterparts in the semiconductor market to post really quite detailed information of RoHS compliance issues on their websites. A visit to the websites of suppliers such as AVX, Murata and Yageo will confirm that for the largest suppliers all chip capacitors and resistors, except perhaps a very small number ...
Two challenges facing passives manufacturers
The challenges for passive components in achieving RoHS compliance are largely based around two areas
Getting in touch with the user
System-on-chip designers are using capacitive touch sensing, which eliminates buttons and sliders on portable music players and mobile handsets, writes Ryan Seguine
Resistors to quicken the pulses
Stephen Oxley finds a family of resistors that meets modern requirements for power rating and pulse withstanding
Connector maker FCI sold to private equity firm
French connector firm FCI is to be sold by owner Areva to Bain Capital, a private equity firm
Loudspeaker firm studies effect of capacitors
UK firm examines how manufacture of capacitors can affect loudspeaker sound
Capacitors are on the move
Cars and the drive for miniaturisation are calling the tune in the capacitor market, says Mike Fitzpatrick
Options for tantalum
Tantalum is still the heavyweight of the capacitor market, but there are solid electrolyte components which make good substitutes
Mini resistors handle up to 50W
Vertically-mounted through-hole planar devices use thick film resistive elements fixed to ceramic substrates
Passive sales to rise in second half
Broadline distributors are seeing increased sales in passive components as they battle to win market share