Zigbee Alliance launches a Europe Interest Group

The Zigbee Alliance – which oversees Zigbee, the IoT-friendly wireless standard – has launched a Europe Interest Group, made up of volunteer members with a shared focus on Zigbee in the European market.

Zigbee Alliance launches a Europe Interest Group

Areas of interest include the Connected Home over IP project (CHIP). This has the aim of establishing a royalty-free connectivity standard to increase compatibility among smart home products.

Membership is open to all Zigbee Alliance Participants and Promoters. The group is chaired by Alliance Board Member and IoT Architect Ulf Axelsson of IKEA Home smart.

“I am looking forward to collaborating on new levels with fellow Alliance companies from an EU perspective, and fostering more regular interaction between our members that are interested and invested in the European residential or commercial IoT markets,” said Axelsson.

“We are creating a structure to provide better visibility into the important developments happening across the Zigbee Alliance, and our Europe Interest Group provides an efficient avenue for more two-way dialogue and information exchange between regions, countries, companies and individuals all working toward the same technology goals.”

The Europe Interest Group will operate under the supervision of the Zigbee Alliance Board of Directors.

One of its aims is collecting and sharing information about EU regulation and standards to the Working Groups within the Alliance, in order to help the development of global, open IoT standards;

“The formation of this European-centric group will take Alliance-wide cooperation and communication to new levels, which is essential as our game-changing Project CHIP initiative comes into focus and to the market in early 2021, and we continue to drive openness and interoperability through our flagship Zigbee standards,” said Bruno Vulcano, R&D Manager at Legrand and Chairman of the Board for the Zigbee Alliance.

“We’re fortunate to have Ulf of IKEA Home smart leading this charge as he brings an ideal blend of technical experience, regional expertise and peer leadership to this role.”

See alsoSTMicroelectronics connects with Zigbee

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