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Tag Archives: microwave

Microwave isolators work at cryogenic temperatures

Powell - DiTom Microwave cryogenic isolators

East Coast Microwave is stocking cryogenic isolators from DiTom Microwave, designed to operate “at or below 77K”, according to East Coast. Taking D3I4080Y as an example, it operates from 4 to 8GHz and can handle average forward inputs up to 30W, peaking at 50W. Maximum reverse input power is 2W. “The component provides more than 16dB of isolation and has ...

Unpredictable GHz fields mooted for nuclear warhead monitoring


If countries A and B sign a treaty agreeing to put certain nuclear warheads into storage, how do they know the other is not cheating? German and US scientists think they might have the answer, using a technique much like the PUFs – physically uncloneable functions – used in add unpredictable unique identity numbers to ICs. “The technology combines cyber-physical ...

THz radar detects distant rotation

SPIE integrated THz vortex beam emitter Jingya Xie, USSTT

Beams of electromagnetic radiation can be used to detect the rotation of distant objects if they have orbital angular momentum  – known as ‘vortex waves’. It involves exploiting a rotational form of the Doppler effect, and researchers from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) have managed to get the technique working at terahertz (THz) frequencies. “To the best ...

Updated: Microwave fields sensed at a distance


Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand can’t quite point to a patch of free space and measure any microwave field that exists there, but they almost can. In a proof of concept, they positioned a passive glass sensing capsule up to 30m away from novel type of reader, and then interrogated the cell with lasers. “Importantly, compared ...

N-type connectors and cable assemblies

Wurth ntype connector

Würth Elektronik introduced N type 50Ω cable and PCB connectors to MIL-STD-348. PCB jacks are available in straight and angled through-hole versions, or as four-hole flanged panel connectors with round post or solder cup. Cable-end versions (pictured right) are available loose for field assembly, or pre-assembled onto cables (including N-type to SMA adaptors, picture below), and there are coax bulkhead ...

IMS: PXI and PXIe relay modules switch 110GHz


Pickering Interfaces has announced a range of PXI and PXIe microwave relay modules capable of switching signals up to 110GHz in 50Ω. They will be reveals for the first time at IMS in San Diego next week. 40-781A-92x (PXI) and 42-781A-92x (PXIe) consist of either a single or dual microwave changeover switch. Connections are via front panel SMA 1.0 connectors, ...

Liquid gallium alloy micro-fluidic mm-Wave phase shifter

Birmingham phase shifter no micro channels

The proposed shifter uses a half-mode substrate-integrated waveguide, with phase shifted in a via-pad-slot structure where a through via is attached to a pad surrounded by an annular slot. “The phase shifter does not need clean room facilities for fabrication,” said lead researcher Dr Yi Wang, and “the liquid-metal enabled phase shifting elements have a passive nature, unlike active semiconductor-based ...

18GHz cables have straight SMA and right-angled SMP connectors

straight SMA to right-angle SMP cable assembly

Amphenol RF has introduced fixed-length cable assemblies with a straight SMA plug one one end and a right-angle SMP plug on the other. The right-angle SMP provides low mated height with no bend radius for low-headroom applications. The cable is Tflex 405 from Amphenol Times Microwave Systems, intended to be a flexible alternative to semi-rigid coax. The SMA plug has ...

9kHz to 20GHz eight channel microwave signal generator

Rigol DSG5000 signal generator

Rigol has introduced an eight channel microwave generator that works across 9kHz to 20GHz and can deliver related coherent signals or independent signals. Called DG5208, it is one of the DSG5000 range, which also includes units with 2, 4 or 6 channels, and versions which top-out at 12GHz. If eight channels are still not enough. multiple instruments can be connected ...

6-18GHz GaAs amplifiers have 10dB gain with positive slopes

CML CMX90G701 _702 gain blocks

CML has announced a pair of 6 – 18GHz GaAs pHEMT gain blocks with positive gain slopes up to 16GHz. CMX90G701 and CMX90G702 have gain-slopes of +1dB and +2dB respectively, and are intended to operate C, X and Ku bands for microwave back-haul, radar, satellite communications and 5G fixed wireless access. “They can also be used to eliminate passive equalisers ...