CMX90G701 and CMX90G702 have gain-slopes of +1dB and +2dB respectively, and are intended to operate C, X and Ku bands for microwave back-haul, radar, satellite communications and 5G fixed wireless access. “They can also be used to eliminate passive equalisers by compensating for system losses across their operating frequency range,” according to the Essex company.
Small signal gain for both devices is 9.5 – 11.5dB, with +10.0dBm P1dB at the output and 3dB noise figure.
A logic input enables the RF output in both cases: Ton = 0.6μs, Toff = 0.9μs (RFout 10 – 90%, -10dBm RFin, 10GHz.
Operation is over 2 to 5V (22mA typical) and -40 to +105°C (at case, with Vd≤3.3V. +85°C max Vd>3.3V).
RF ports of each device are internally matched to 50Ω so that they can be cascaded simply with similar amplifiers in CML’s range to achieve various gains, equalisation slopes and frequency ranges.
“Following on from our earlier release of positive gain-slope amplifiers targeting sub-7GHz, the CMX90G701 and CMX90G702 move further up the RF spectrum to 6-18GHz,” said CML’s RF product manager Arwyn Roberts.
The product pages can be found here: CMX90G701 and CMX90G702