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Monthly Archives: December 2007

Chairlift Failure Sends Skier Plummeting

The winter sports season is upon us, along with the usual spate of bruised buns and broken bones.. But while most skiers who run into trouble will do so on their way down the slopes, for the really unlucky there’s the occasional freak accident going the other way. The latest incident, as reported in the Concord Monitor, was a lift ...

Shake-to-Charge Flashlight is a Fake


Discover Circuits founder Dave Johnson found this broken solar powered path light near a railroad track. Like many engineers who find things and think the part might come in handy, he put it in his pocket. Upon closer inspection, he realized that instead of filling the 3-square-inches of available space with solar cells, the unit skimped, using four skinny cells ...

Mrs Memec

It’s usually the guys who get to tell the tale in the semiconductor industry, so the recollections of Carole Skipworth, Dick’s wife, who started Memec with him, and was a director for many years, are particularly interesting.

Plessey Gears Up For EEC

‘With Britain’s proposed entry into the EC just over a month away, Plessey has strengthened its European regional organisation in readiness for an expansion of trade’, reported Electronics Weekly in its November 29 1972 edition.

Solar Light Cheaps Out on Fill Factor


Discover Circuits founder Dave Johnson found this broken solar powered path light near a railroad track. Like many engineers who find things and think the parts might one day come in handy, he stuffed it in his pocket. (Why does broken stuff seem to have a natural affinity for railroad tracks??) Upon closer inspection, he realized that instead of filling ...

American Engineers Grab the Biggest Paycheck


They say money can’t buy happiness, but even a little more of the green stuff would make most engineers a bit more cheerful — that is if the results of this 2007 global engineering salary survey are any indication. (Note – you’ll need to register to view the full report.)