The problems being experienced as a result of the credit crunch were evident in Japan during its bubble economy period of the late 1980s.
Monthly Archives: April 2010
How many scopes does one company want?
If you thought a test company with a product range as broad as Tektronix could not identify new product areas to fill, then think again.
Tektronix is on the acquisition trail
“We are looking to expand the portfolio,” Dave Ireland, European marketing manager at Tektronix told EW. “There will be acquisitions as well as organic growth.”
Anritsu claims LTE mobile phone test landmark
Anritsu said it had gained GCF approval for 12 RF test cases for its ME7873L RF Conformance Test System together with additional test cases for its ME7832L Protocol Conformance Test System
Nu Horizons names Martin Kent as CEO
Martin Kent is one of the best known names in the European distribution business and was CEO of Abacus Group prior to its acquisition by Avnet
TTI adds Toshiba semiconductor line to card
TTI first started adding discrete semiconductors to its European linecard in 2008
Economics of solar power installations
Guest columnist Paul Engle , CEO of Enecsys, spells out the potential cost savings from installing grid-connected photovoltaic energy systems
Tool parallelises C regardless of hardware
Dutch start-up Vector Fabrics has announced parallelisation tools for C. Both web-based, vfAnalyst identifies existing parallelisation opportunities in code, as well as flagging changes required to free-up further parallelisation opportunities; whereas vfSoftware takes this further, automating
Hittite Microwave HMC-T2100B portable synthesized signal generator
Hittite Microwave has launched the HMC-T2100B, the first battery powered 10MHz to 20GHz portable synthesized signal generator.
Why Do The Best Hi-Tec Ideas Come From America?
Having spent the best part of a week in California, I know a good chunk of the IC industry is into video. They’re trying to communicate video faster, they’re trying to display video more effectively, and they’re trying to communicate it and display it using less and less power.