Comments on: Read the first ever Electronics Weekly online: 7th September 1960 Electronics Design & Components Tech News Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:28:08 +0000 hourly 1 Electronics Weekly 125 75 Electronics Design & Components Tech News By: Stuart Fyfe Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:28:08 +0000 ICT 1301 computer (from 1962) still exists. Weight 5 tons. From Stuart, who took up computing because it was supposed to be logical. See how computers work, and how an historic example was preserved: https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=ZLpUyU2boAM

By: Howard Owens Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:17:30 +0000 That’s great! Things have got smaller and cleverer for sure, though one can miss the ‘hands-on’ feel of big boxes, not to mention the reliable clunk of a TV turret-tuner.
I joined EW’s editorial staff in 1964 as a rookie subeditor, at its Fleet Street location, under the tutelage of editor Roger Woolnough. Had to learn how not to upset wordy correspondents with my blue pencil. Yes, actually used that. Recall thrill of swanning around Farnborough Air Show, reporting on a new back-scattering electron microscope, marvelling at the IBM 360.
There was much debate about which TV colour system the Soviets would go for. I headlined “Russians May Pick SECAM” – wotta lotta letters that brought in!
Once the paper had been seen off at the press (QB Colchester) there was always time for a good browse in the IPC library. Favourite was New Scientist which I read to this day. Later I moved to BBC mobile sound recording, lugging around the excellent Nagra 4: another big and charming box now utterly superseded.

By: Michael Drake Wed, 30 Sep 2020 23:21:24 +0000 This brought back many happy childhood memories. Our first TV built from old radar set components sourced in Lile Street, Soho – one side housed surplus electronics shops and the other a rather older profession. My career in electronics started 12 years later at Racal, another name like so many mentioned here and now gone. Thank you.

By: Neset Tamer Tue, 08 Sep 2020 10:26:50 +0000 Wow, what a treasure. I enjoyed it very much. It would be great to have other copies scanned.

By: zeitghost Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:23:58 +0000 Yup. Swallowed up and gutted by Weinstock’s GEC.

But never mind, back then you could buy a 17″ crt for a mere 10 guineas.


By: Denis Mott Mon, 07 Sep 2020 15:54:35 +0000 An amazing look back on an industry I have been part of since 1963. How far it has come…lots of the companies mentioned no longer exist or have been swallowed up….and here we are… wondering how the next 60 years will turn out……. I will not be here..but some of the youngest will be.. look after OUR Industry.
