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Tag Archives: Arduino

The BinDaycator lights up bin colour due for collection


I love this one, and I love the name: the BinDaycator, an MCU-controlled model that tells you which coloured bin is due for collection. I first saw an image of it on twitter, on one of those syndicate collection site – all about the bantz and the lolz and funny pets – but thought it was worth following further… It ...

Updated: DB’s alternative isolated pwm interface

DB's idea for a constant current PWM interface

An idea in an earlier blog is to make a pwm interface that can accept 5, 12 and 24V pulse streams. That one uses a bunch of resistors and has three separate inputs. Below that, wise commenter DB suggested a different approach, using a constant current sink: Update: In a previous version of this blog, I made a mess of ...